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Vad har författaren Koji Victor Ujimoto skrivit?


- 1994 "Gringo",

- 1996 "Lomi-Lomi:In the Shadow of the Goddess"

- 2007 "The Empire of Death"

- 2011 "De flytande öarna"

- 2016 "The Perfect Edge of Death"

- 2018 "The Devil You Know"


- 2003 "The Legend of the Green Turtle:Archaeological Investigations in the Tuamotu Archipelago"

- 2010 "From Polynesia to the Pampas:The Epic Journey of the South American Camelid"

- 2012 "Inkaimperiets sista ståndpunkt:Vilcabamba-regionens arkeologi"

- 2015 "The Archaeology of the Marquesas Islands"

- 2020 "The Pre-Columbian Art of the Nazca Lines"


- "No Time Like the Future" (2000)

- "The Obsidian Dagger" (2010)

- "The Ghost Warrior" (2009)

- "The Jaguar Throne" (2008)

- "The Bone Knife" (2007)

- "The Shark God's Daughter" (1998)

- "Mana:A Short Story" (2012)

- "The Return:A Short Story" (2017)

- "Den sista draken" (2019)

- "The Guardian of the Mountain" (2021)


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