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Vad har författaren Christopher Raymond Chappell skrivit?


- *Augustin:An Introduction* (1993)

- *Knowing Sure Thing* (2002)

- *Philosophy of Religion:An Historical Introduction* (2013, 2021)

- *The Cambridge Companion to Augustine* (2020)

Artiklar och kapitel i böcker

- "Augustine om tid och skapelse," i *Augustine:A Theologian's Response to a Classical Tradition*, red. John R. Dillon och William B. Parsons (2011)

- "Augustine on Knowledge of God," i *The Oxford Handbook of Augustine*, red. Eleonore Stump och Sarah Kate Heidt (2011)

- "The Problem of Evil:Theodicy in Augustine, Boethius and Leibniz," i *Evil:A Historical and Theological Perspective*, red. John Clayton (2013)

- "Augustine om skapelsen," i *The Routledge Handbook of Augustine*, red. Eleonore Stump och Sarah Kate Heidt (2014)

- "The Problem of Evil in Augustine's *Guds City*, Books XI-XXII," i *Augustines *De civitate Dei*:Its Afterlife and Legacy*, ed. Eleonore Stump och Sarah Kate Heidt (2019)


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