- Girl Child (2021)
- Jag visste aldrig (2018)
- The Gathering:Women, Art and Politics på 1960- och 1970-talen (2017)
- American Woman:Her Work, Her Fight (2015)
- Meet the Frugalwoods:Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living (2015)
- The Courage to Quit (2014)
- Going Into Labor:Transforms from Activism to Motherhood (2013)
- The Root Cause (2011)
- Living with Intent (2010)
- The Emancipated Wife (2009)
- Getting Off:Pornography and the End of Masculinity (2007)
- Beyond Blame (1999)
Artiklar och uppsatser:
- "Problemet med #MeToo" (2018)
- "Varför jag inte är en feminist" (2017)
- "Myten om det sexualiserade flickbarnet" (2016)
- "The End of Adulthood" (2015)
- "The Disposable American Male" (2014)
- "The War on Boys" (2013)
- "The Decline of the American Man" (2012)
- "Problemet med kvinnors historia" (2011)
- "Myten om patriarkatet" (2010)
Noveller och poesi:
- "Her Darkened Room" (2020)
- "Flickan i fönstret" (2019)
- "The Day the World Ended" (2018)
- "The Last Song" (2017)
- "Natthimlen" (2016)
- "The Ocean" (2015)
- "Skogen" (2014)
- "Berget" (2013)
- "Öknen" (2012)
- "Staden" (2011)