* _The Life of Jean Henri Durant de Bossan, 1738-1785_ (PhD-avhandling, University of Western Australia, 1968)
* _The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner:As Written by Himself_ (redigerad med J.H. Wilson och Angus Ross, Cambridge UP, 1988)
* _Daniel Defoe:A Bibliography of Secondary Works 1960-1986_ (Oak Knoll Books, 1987)
* _The Life and Work of William Cowper_ (Leicester University Press, 2001)
* _Daniel Defoe:A Bibliography of Secondary Works 1986-2010_ (The Voltaire Foundation, 2012)
* _William Cowper:A Bibliography_ (The Voltaire Foundation, 2016)
Tidskriftsartiklar och bokkapitel
* Över 50 artiklar och bokkapitel om Daniel Defoe, William Cowper och andra 1700-talsförfattare.
* _Poems of William Cowper_ (Oxford World's Classics, 1996)
* _Robinson Crusoe:An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism_ (WW Norton, 2:a upplagan, 1999)