- Hemligheterna vi bevarar (mars 2021)
- The Daughters of Foxcote Manor (2019)
- De avlägsna timmarna (2018)
- Det smala landet (2017)
- Snowdrift:A Daughters of Foxcote Manor Prequel Novella (2021)
- Jul på Pemberley (2020)
- The Snowglobe &The Secret (2020)
- "A Perfect Christmas:A Pemberley Variation" (2021)
- "The Wedding Gift:A Pemberley Variation" (2020)
- "Brevet" (2020)
- "Den hemliga dagboken" (2020)
- "The Mysterious Heir:A Pemberley Story" (2019)
- "Varför Jane Austen?" (2020)
- "The Importance of Place in Historical Fiction:A Writer's Perspective" (2020)
- "The Art of the Historical Novel:A Writer's Perspective" (2018)