Arts >> Kultur Nöje >  >> Böcker >> Författare

Vad har författaren Paul Assinder skrivit?


- "Devil's Keep" (2019)

- "Tempelbergets sista dagar" (2017)

- "The Jerusalem Code" (2016)

- "The Galilee Covenant" (2014)

- "Lazaruskonspirationen" (2012)

- "Den siste korsfararen" (2011)

- "The Hidden Scroll" (2010)

- "Den förbjudna graven" (2009)

- "The Ark" (2008)

- "Rikets nycklar" (2006)

- "Golgata" (2005)

- "Pilgrim" (2003)

- "Sanctuary" (2002)

- "Blood of Eden" (2001)


- "På jakt efter Edens lustgård" (2018)

- "Sacred Sites of the World:A Pilgrimage to 50 Divine Destinations" (2017)

- "Templararna:The History and Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Secret Society" (2016)

- "The Dead Sea Scrolls:Uncovering the Secrets of the Ancient Manuscripts" (2015)

- "The Shroud of Turin:Unmasking the Greatest Mystery of Christianity" (2014)

- "The Spear of Destiny:The Real History and Meaning of the Spear of Longinus" (2013)

- "The Holy Grail:The Quest for the Cup of Christ" (2012)

- "The Ark of the Covenant:The True Story of the Ark of the Covenant" (2011)

- "De tio budorden:Den dolda betydelsen av de tio budorden" (2010)

- "Den antika världens sju underverk:de fascinerande berättelserna bakom den antika världens sju mest anmärkningsvärda strukturer" (2009)


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