Akt I
1. "Prolog:Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats"
2. "The Naming of Cats"
3. "Inbjudan till Jellicle Ball"
4. "The Old Gumbie Cat"
5. "Growltiger's Last Stand"
6. "Rum Tum Tugger"
7. "Grizabella:The Glamour Cat"
8. "Bustopher Jones:The Cat About Town"
9. "Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser"
10. "Gamla Femte Moseboken"
11. "The Jellicle Ball"
Akt II
1. "Den fantastiska striden om Pekes and the Pollicles"
2. "Gus:Teaterkatten"
3. "Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats (Reprise)"
4. "Macavity:The Mystery Cat"
5. "Mr Mistoffelees"
6. "Minne"
7. "Resan till Heaviside Layer"
8. "Katternas reklamklädning"
9. "Final:The Jellicle Ball/The Journey to the Heaviside Layer (Reprise)"