* The God Delusion (2006)
* The Devil's Chaplain (2011)
* Jesus:The Unauthorized Biography (2015)
* The Reluctant Atheist:A Novel of Discovery and Recovery (2020)
* Unholy Terror:The Truth Behind the Islamic State and its Global Ambition (2016)
* We Need to Talk About God:A Neuroscientist's Guide to the Soul (2019)
* Varför människor tror på Gud:En neurovetare utforskar biologin av religiös tro (2022)
* "Det sista miraklet" (2014)
* "Dagen änglarna föll" (2015)
* "Mannen som mötte Gud" (2016)
* "Kan vetenskap förklara religion?" (2017)
* "The Future of Religion in a Secular Age" (2018)
* "Varför jag tror på Gud" (2019)
* The Boy Who Talked to God:A Memoir (2022)