- Engelska i Amerika:A Radical View of the Profession (1976)
- Politics of Letters (1987)
- The Making of the American Mind:Intellectuals and Ideas in a Democratic Culture (1988)
- Läskunnighet och språk (1989)
- Engelska i Amerika:A Concise History (1996)
-Sälja kultur:tidningar, marknader och klass vid sekelskiftet (1997)
-Making of the American Mind, andra upplagan (1998)
-Critical History of American Literature, två volymer, andra upplagan (2000)
- College English:Rhetorical Choices, Rhetorical Differences, Third Edition (2001)
-Critical Literacy Reader, andra upplagan (2001)
-Undervisning om klass:Uppsatser och resurser (2003)
-Critical American Studies (2004)
-Critical Literacy Reader, tredje upplagan (2004)
-Contemporary Cultural Studies (2005)
-College English:Rhetorical Choices, Rhetorical Differences, Fourth Edition (2005)
-Teaching About Class, andra upplagan (2006)
-Critical American Studies:Key Concepts and New Directions (2007)
-Critical Literacy Reader, fjärde upplagan (2008)
-College English:Rhetorical Choices, Rhetorical Differences, Fifth Edition (2009)
-Teaching About Class, tredje upplagan (2009)
-Critical American Studies, andra upplagan (2010)
-Critical Literacy Reader, femte upplagan (2011)
-College English:Rhetorical Choices, Rhetorical Differences, Sixth Edition (2013)
-Teaching About Class, fjärde upplagan (2013)
-Critical American Studies:Key Concepts and New Directions, andra upplagan (2014)
-Critical Literacy Reader, sjätte upplagan (2015)
-College English:Rhetorical Choices, Rhetorical Differences, Seventh Edition (2017)
-Teaching About Class, femte upplagan (2017)
-Critical American Studies, tredje upplagan (2018)
-Critical Literacy Reader, sjunde upplagan (2019)
- College English:Rhetorical Choices, Rhetorical Differences, Eightth Edition (2021)
-Teaching About Class, sjätte upplagan (2021)
-Critical American Studies:Key Concepts and New Directions, tredje upplagan (2022)
Artiklar och uppsatser:
- "Litterature as Class Commodity" (1976)
- "Ideology of Schooling:The Hidden Curriculum" (1978)
- "English:The Politics of Pluralism" (1979)
- "Litterary Criticisms politik" (1980)
- "Läs- och skrivkunnighet och skolgång" (1982)
- "The American Mind:A Social History" (1990)
- "The Culture Industry:A Reconsideration" (1992)
- "Klass och läskunnighet" (1993)
- "Intellectual Work in the Age of Corporations" (1994)
- "The New American Literacy" (1995)
- "The Future of English Studies" (1996)
- "The Crisis of the Humanities" (1997)
- "Universitetet och klasssystemet" (1998)
- "Vänstern och kulturkrigen" (1999)
- "The Crisis of American Literary Studies" (2000)
- "The State of the American University" (2001)
- "The Future of American Studies" (2002)
- "Kulturstudiernas politik" (2003)
- "The New American Literature" (2004)
- "Universitetet och kriget mot terrorismen" (2005)
- "The Crisis of American Education" (2006)
- "The Future of the American Left" (2007)
- "The Obama Presidency:A Critical Assessment" (2008)
- "The Crisis of American Democracy" (2009)
- "The Future of American Literature" (2010)
- "Universitetet och Occupy Movement" (2011)
- "The Crisis of American Culture" (2012)
- "The Future of American Studies" (2013)
- "The Obama Presidency:A Second Critical Assessment" (2014)
- "The Crisis of American Higher Education" (2015)
- "The Future of American Democracy" (2016)
- "The Trump Presidency:A Critical Assessment" (2017)
- "The Crisis of American Identity" (2018)
- "The Future of American Literature" (2019)
- "Universitetet och covid-19-pandemin" (2020)
- "The Crisis of American Society