* *A Little Light:Reflections on the Christian Life* (2005)
* *Gud och andra berömda ateister:Hur man tänker klart igen i en värld som är besatt av tro och oförnuft* (2009)
* *Finding Grace at Ground Zero:A Pastor's Reflections After 9/11* (2011)
* *In Pursuit of Happiness at 150 mph:Lessons Learned From a Quarter Century in Sports Broadcasting* (2019)
* *Beyond the Culture Wars:Christian Perspectives on Peace, Power and the Poor* (2021)
* *In Search of Eden:A novel of hope at Ground Zero* (2004)
* *The Long Night of the Mind:An Evangelical Tale About Truth, Beauty, and the Gospel* (2006)
* *A Tale of Three Trees:Stories of Jesus for Advent* (2007)