* Träden (1947)
* Sommarens döttrar (1948)
* Rachel Cade (1951)
* House of the Seven Gables (1951)
* Den förtrollade ön (1953)
* Sommarens flickor (1955)
* Huset på banvallen (1956)
* The Man in the Rain (1958)
* Den store Gatsby (1959)
* The Age of Innocence (1960)
* The American Novel:A Study in Technique (1951)
* The House of Fiction:An Anthology of the Short Story (1956)
* The Writer's Craft (1958)
* Utvecklingen av den engelska romanen (1959)
* The Art of the Novella (1961)
* "Den långa helgen" (1947)
* "Den förlorade helgen" (1947)
* "Flickan i den vita tröjan" (1948)
* "Jägarens natt" (1950)
* "The Lady Killer" (1951)
* "The Art of Fiction" (1951)
* "The Craft of Fiction" (1956)
* "The Writer's Art" (1958)
* "The Nature of Fiction" (1960)
* "Fiktionens framtid" (1962)