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Vad har författaren Bob Horn skrivit?


- Robot Vision (1986)

- Robot Intelligence (1989)

- Autonoma robotfordon (1992)

- Kamerabaserad robotvägledning:felmodellering, kalibrering och realtidssynstekniker (1994)

- Robot Motion:Planning and Control (2009)

- Mobile Robotic Systems:Design and Applications (2012)

- Robot Vision (2:a upplagan, 2016)

- Robot Vision (3:e upplagan, 2019)


- Autonomous Mobile Robots (2011)

- Robot Dynamics:Equations of Motion (2011)

Fiction romaner

- The Rise of Robot:The Beginning (2017)

- The Rise of Robot:The Evolution (2018)

- The Rise of Robot:The Singularity (2018)


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