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Vad har författaren Trisha Sertori skrivit?


* *The Language of Secrets:Writing Stories That Reveal More Than You Say* (Simon &Schuster, 2017)

* *Invisible:How Young Women Experience Microaggressions in Work and Life* (St. Martin's Press, 2021)


* "The Role of Microaggressions in Workplace Discrimination:Women of Color in the United States" i *Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology* (Oxford University Press, 2022)

* "Gendered Microaggressions in the Workplace:Impplications for Women's Career Advancement" i *Women and Leadership:Global Challenges, Perspectives and Solutions* (Emerald Publishing, 2022)

essäer och artiklar

* "The Power of Microaggressions" i *The Atlantic* (2017)

* "The Microaggressions of Everyday Life" i *The Washington Post* (2018)

* "Hur man pratar om mikroaggressioner" i *The New York Times* (2019)


* "The Erasure of Women of Color in the Workplace" i *Forbes* (2020)

* "The Gender Pay Gap:Why We Still Need to Fight for Equal Pay" i *Marie Claire* (2021)

* "Hur man skapar fler inkluderande arbetsplatser för färgade kvinnor" i *CNBC* (2022)

Podcaster och webbseminarier

* "Microaggressions:What They Are and How to Response to Them" (National Women's Law Center, 2018)

* "The Power of Invisible Microaggressions" (TEDx, 2019)

* "How to Talk About Race at Work" (American Psychological Association, 2020)

Utöver sitt skriftliga arbete har Trisha Sertori varit en föreläsare vid ett flertal konferenser och evenemang, inklusive SXSW, TEDx och FN:s kommission för kvinnors ställning. Hon har också medverkat i tv- och radioprogram som PBS NewsHour, ABC World News och NPR Morning Edition.


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