Här är en lista över några av hans publicerade verk:
- Böcker
- *The Black and the Blue:Racism and the Police State* (2017)
- *African-American History:A Very Short Introduction* (2018)
- *Black Lives Matter:A Global History* (2021)
- Artiklar
- "The Legacy of Colonialism in Africa:A Continuing Struggle for Independence" (2018)
- "Svart feminism och intersektionalitetens politik" (2019)
- "The School-to-Prison Pipeline:A System of Racialized Ppression" (2020)
- "Covid-19-pandemin och den oproportionerliga inverkan på svarta amerikaner" (2020)
- "Black LGBTQ+ Activism:A History of Resistance and Resilience" (2021)
- Uppsatser
- "On Being Black in America:Reflections on Race and Identity" (2015)
- "The Future of Black Activism:A Call for Unity and Intersectionality" (2016)
- "The Power of Black Women:Celebrating Black Women's Contributions to Society" (2017)
- "Black Love and Black Joy:A Celebration of Black Resilience and Community" (2019)
- "The Black Radical Tradition:A Legacy of Resistance and Liberation" (2020)