1. "This Is Us - The First Video Diary" (2012)
2. "Videodagböcker ombord på OTRA-planet:Houston, Texas" (2013)
3. "Video Diaries:Behind the Scenes of Where We Are - Melbourne" (2013)
4. "Video Diaries:Tokyo, Japan" (2014)
5. "Video Diaries:London, UK" (2014)
6. "Video Diaries:Dublin, Ireland" (2014)
7. "Video Diaries:Copenhagen, Denmark" (2014)
8. "Video Diaries:Stockholm, Sweden" (2014)
9. "Videodagböcker:Milano, Italien" (2015)
10. "Video Diaries:Madrid, Spain" (2015)
11. "Video Diaries:Paris, France" (2015)
12. "Videodagböcker:Zürich, Schweiz" (2015)
13. "Video Diaries:Berlin, Germany" (2015)
14. "Video Diaries:Sydney, Australien" (2015)
Dessutom släppte One Direction en separat serie kallad "Up All Night:The Live Tour", som bestod av nio videodagböcker som dokumenterade deras första världsturné.