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Vilka film- och tv-projekt har Shahnequa Duprey varit med i?


* The Call (2013)

* The Family Fang (2015)

* The Big Short (2015)

* Patriots Day (2016)

* Free State of Jones (2016)

* Detroit (2017)

* The Post (2017)

* Änkor (2018)

* The Photograph (2020)

* Antebellum (2020)

* Sylvies kärlek (2020)

* Ju svårare de faller (2021)


* Lag och ordning:Special Victims Unit (2011–2012)

* The Good Wife (2012-2016)

* Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)

* The Get Down (2016–2017)

* Kära vita människor (2017-2021)

* The Umbrella Academy (2019-nutid)

* The Equalizer (2021)


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