* The Last African (2006)
* The Golden Rhinoceros (2007)
* Världens kung (2007)
* Lejonet av Juda (2008)
* The Heart of Darkness (2010)
* The Eye of Horus (2012)
* Guds hand (2013)
* The Mind of Buddha (2015)
* Världens själ (2017)
* Kärlekens kraft (2019)
* The Sacred History of the World (2005)
* Illuminatis hemliga läror (2010)
* The Ancient Alien Theory:A Conspiracy of Silence (2011)
* The Lost Civilization of Atlantis (2012)
* Mysteriet med Bermudatriangeln (2013)
* The Great Pyramid of Giza:Decoding the Secrets (2014)
* The Roswell UFO Incident:The Truth Behind the Cover-Up (2015)
* The Men in Black:The Secret History of the Shadow Government (2017)
* The Real History of the Earth:Shattering the Myths and Uncovering the Truth (2018)
* The Future of Humanity:A Prophecy of Hope (2020)
* The Last African (2010)
* The Golden Rhinoceros (2011)
* Världens kung (2012)
* Lejonet av Juda (2013)
* The Heart of Darkness (2014)
* The Eye of Horus (2015)
* Guds hand (2016)
* The Mind of Buddha (2017)
* Världens själ (2018)
* Kärlekens kraft (2019)