- "Parisavtalet:En nybörjarguide" (2016)
- "Energy and Climate Economics:The Essentials" (2017)
- "Renewable Energy in the UK:Policy, Finance, and Development" (2018)
- "Den gröna industriella revolutionen:ekonomi, teknik och politik" (2019)
- "A People's Green New Deal:Saving the Planet Through Economic Justice" (2020)
- "Climate Change and Society:A Sociological Perspective" (2021)
- "The Economics of Carbon Pricing" (2022)
- "Varför Parisavtalet är viktigt" (2015)
- "The Economics of Renewable Energy" (2016)
- "Klimatförändringar och arbetets framtid" (2017)
- "A Green New Deal for the UK" (2018)
- "Klimatkrisen och social rättvisa" (2019)
- "The Economics of a Circular Economy" (2020)
- "Green Stimulus:How to Build Back Better After COVID-19" (2021)