* "Discovery and Revelation in Mathematics:A Guide to Unconventional Approaches" (1964)
* "The Geometry of the Triangle:A Guide for Geometers" (1965)
* "Mathematics and the Liberal Arts" (1966)
* "The Nature of Mathematics:A Guide for Philosophers" (1968)
* "The Philosophy of Mathematics:A History and Guide to Current Theories" (1970)
* "The Psychology of Mathematics:A Guide to the Experimental Study of Mathematical Thinking" (1972)
* "The Sociology of Mathematics:A Guide to the Social Study of Mathematical Knowledge and Practice" (1974)
* "Triangelns topologi:en guide för topologer" (1976)
* "Triangelns hyperboliska geometri" (1931)
* "Triangelns icke-euklidiska geometri" (1932)
* "Triangelns projektiva geometri" (1933)
* "Triangelns sfäriska geometri" (1934)
* "Triangelns affina geometri" (1935)
* "Triangelns algebraiska geometri" (1936)
* "The Analysis Situs of the Triangle" (1937)
* "Triangelns topologi" (1938)
* "Triangelns kombinatoriska geometri" (1939)
* "Triangelns talteorin" (1940)
Toombs arbete har hyllats av matematiker för dess originalitet och djup. Han anses vara en av de viktigaste figurerna i historien om hyperbolisk geometri.