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Vad har författaren Ronald Frank Bienert skrivit?

Ronald Frank Bienert har skrivit följande:


* _Hilo:Bok 1:Pojken som kraschade till jorden_ (2013)

* _Hilo:Bok 2:Saving the Whole Wide World_ (2014)

* _Hilo:Bok 3:The Great Big Boom_ (2015)

* _Hilo:Bok 4:All the Pieces Fit_ (2016)

* _Hilo:Bok 5:No More Good Guys_ (2017)

* _Hilo:Bok 6:The Bad Guy Club_ (2018)

* _Hilo:Bok 7:The Good Fight_ (2019)

* _Hilo:Bok 8:The Art of the Steal_ (2020)

* _The Legend of Brightblade:Book 1_ (2021)

* _The Legend of Brightblade:Book 2_ (2022)


* _The Big Book of Little Heroes:100 Inspiring Stories of Good Kids, Great Causes, and How to Make a Difference_ (2016, medförfattare med Erin McHugh)

* _Heroes Wear Masks:50 Inspiring Stories of Everyday Heroes Under the Pandemic_ (2021, medförfattare med Erin McHugh)


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