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Vad har författaren John Geoffrey Partridge skrivit?

* "En historia om det engelska språket" (1952)

* "A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English" (1961)

* "A Dictionary of Cliches" (1978)

* "A Dictionary of Catchphrases" (1977)

* "En bok om förolämpningar" (1981)

* "A Book of Boners" (1983)

* "A Book of Eufemisms" (1984)

* "A Dictionary of Eponyms" (1985)

* "Origins:A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English" (1984)

* "The Penguin Book of English Idioms" (1984)

* "A Dictionary of Quotations" (1987)

* "A Dictionary of Foreign Phrases and Abbreviations" (1991)

* "A Dictionary of Cultural Literacy" (1992)

* "A Dictionary of Literary Terms" (1994)

* "A Dictionary of Biographical Quotations" (1995)

* "A Dictionary of Mythical Creatures" (1996)

* "A Dictionary of Ancient Egypt" (1997)

* "A Dictionary of Ancient Greece" (1998)

* "A Dictionary of Ancient Rome" (1999)

* "A Dictionary of the Renaissance" (2000)


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