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Vad har författaren Christopher Roy Woodard skrivit?

Christopher Roy Woodard är en amerikansk författare, kulturhistoriker och journalist som har skrivit flera böcker om amerikansk kultur och historia, inklusive:

- American Nations:A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America (2011)

- The Republic of Pirates:Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down (2007)

- Down, Out and Under Arrest:The Chasing of America's Most Wanted Criminals (2000)

- The Dirty History of the Clean Car:The Secret Life of the Automobile and How It Shaped the World (2013)

- The Lobster Coast:Rebels, Rust, and the Remaking of an American Town (2021)

- Ocean's Ground:A Disaster, a Town, and the Last American Fishing Port (2023)


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