* "Auberginen som log" (2009)
* "The Unfortunate Life of a Fortune Cookie" (2011)
* "The Year of the Fire Monkey" (2013)
* "Marble Sky" (2015)
* "The Patchwork Kingdom" (2017)
* "The Lost Stone" (2018)
* "Drakens pärla" (2019)
* "The Tiger's Eye" (2020)
* "Snake's Poison" (2021)
* "Apans magi" (2022)
* "Amah och den gamla hunden" (2010)
* "Flickan som blev ett träd" (2011)
* "The Ghost Bride" (2012)
* "The Legend of the Monkey King" (2013)
* "Hästens år" (2014)
* "Sagan om Jadekaninen" (2015)
* "De sju kinesiska systrarna" (2016)
* "De åtta odödliga" (2017)
* "The Nine-tailed Fox" (2018)
* "De fyra himmelska kungarna" (2019)
* "Growing Up Asian in America" (2014)
* "The Power of Story:How Chinese Myths and Legends Can Teach Us About Life" (2016)
* "The History of Chinese American Literature" (2018)
* "Firar kinesiskt amerikanskt arv" (2020)