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Vad har författaren Steven W Vargo skrivit?


* The New Normal of Business:Unleash the Power of Service** (2021)

*Reimagining Healthcare:A Service Science Perspective** (2018)

*Forskningsmetoder för tjänstedominant logik** (2017)

*Transforming Government:An Ecosystem Platform Approach** (2016)

*The Dynamics of Service Systems** (2015)

*Framsteg inom servicevetenskap** (2013)

*Handbok i tjänstevetenskap** (2011)

*Servicedominant Logic:A Primer** (2008)

*The Evolution of Service-Dominant Logic** (2006)


*"Service-Dominant Logic:Continuing the Evolution" (2020)*

*"The Service-Dominant Logic:Expanding Theory Boundaries for Management Studies" (2020)*

*"The service-dominant logic of marketing" (2018)*

*"Från varor till tjänster:The Transformation of the Global Economy" (2017)*

*"The Service-Dominant Logic:Building a Theory of Service" (2015)*

*"Service-Dominant Logic:A New Paradigm for Business" (2014)*

*"The service-dominant logic:foundation and implikations" (2012)*

*"The Service-Dominant Logic:A New Direction for Marketing Theory and Practice" (2009)*

*"The service-dominant logic of services:a new perspective" (2007)*


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