* The Unraveling:A Novel (2015)
* The Unspoken:A Novel (2016)
* The Unseen:A Novel (2017)
* The Unheard:A Novel (2019)
* The Untold:A Novel (2020)
* The Uncommon:A Novel (2022)
* The Unforgotten (2014)
* Det obemärkta (2018)
* The Unworthy (2021)
* "De oinbjudna" (2013)
* "The Unbroken" (2014)
* "The Unmarked" (2015)
* "De oönskade" (2016)
* "The Unloved" (2017)
* "The Unlucky" (2018)
* "The Unkind" (2019)
* "Det orättvisa" (2020)
* "De orättfärdiga" (2021)
* "The unmerciful" (2022)
essäer och artiklar
* "Vikten av okonventionellt tänkande" (2016)
* "The Power of Uncommon Courage" (2017)
* "The Beauty of Unseen Connections" (2018)
* "The Strength of Unheard Voices" (2019)
* "The Gift of Untold Stories" (2020)
* "Glädjen med ovanliga äventyr" (2022)