* The Young Pretender (2008)
* The Poison Garden (2009)
* The Silent Speaker (2010)
* The Mask of Time (2011)
* The Memory of Water (2012)
* Det hemliga arkivet (2013)
* The Library of Secrets (2014)
* The Cabinet of Curiosities (2015)
* The House of Whispers (2016)
* The Gallery of Shadows (2017)
* The Museum of Mysteries (2018)
* The Theatre of Wonders (2019)
* Drömmarnas cirkus (2020)
* The Fair of Fortune (2021)
* Bokens historia (2005)
* The Art of the Book (2007)
* The Science of the Book (2010)
* The Enchanted Library (2012)
* Den hemliga trädgården (2013)
* Djungelboken (2014)
* Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (2015)
* Trollkarlen från Oz (2016)