* Den stora skilsmässan (1945)
* Out of the Silent Planet (1938)
* Perelandra (1943)
* Den där ohyggliga styrkan (1945)
* The Case for Christianity (1942)
* Mere Christianity (1952)
* Christian Behavior (1943)
* Beyond Personality (1944)
* The Screwtape Letters (1942)
* The Abolition of Man (1947)
* Mirakel (1947)
* The Problem of Pain (1940)
* Reflektioner över psalmerna (1958)
* Letters to Malcolm:Chiefly on Prayer (1964)
* God in the Dock:Essays on Theology and Ethics (1970)
* Surprised by Joy:The Shape of My Early Life (1955)
* A Grief Observed (1961)