* *The Blackwater Lightship* (2004)
* *Sjöglas* (2006)
* *Strange Angels* (2009)
* *The Hundre Thousand Kingdoms* (2010)
* *Skuggornas son* (2012)
* *Blood of Ambrose* (2014)
* *The Broken Kingdoms* (2017)
* *En låt för en ny dag* (2019)
* *The Jasmine Throne* (2021)
* *The Midnight Bargain* (2022)
* "The Ropemakers" (2007)
* "Mönstret på väggen" (2008)
* "The Weight of Feathers" (2010)
* "Flickan i tornet" (2011)
* "The Black Tides of Heaven" (2012)
* "Den gröna mannens dotter" (2013)
* "Skidbladnirs sista resa" (2014)
* "The Bone Shard Daughter" (2015)
* "The City of Brass" (2016)
* "Själarnas öken" (2017)
* *Here Lies the Abyss* (2010)
* *The Mirror Season* (2011)
* *The Book of the Glass People* (2012)