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Vad har författaren Koshy Panicker skrivit?

Böcker av Koshy Panicker:

- *Indien:A Wounded Civilization* (2018)

- *Ohörda röster, osynliga liv* (2017)

- *Från imperiets ruiner* (2016)

- *Demonfröet* (2015)

- *The Education of a Journalist* (2012)

- *Off Guard:The Unauthorized Biography of Indian Cricket* (2010)

- *The First Umpire:A Novel of Cricket and the Raj* (2009)

- *Vårt försök med korruption:Wake-Up, Bharat* (2008)

- *The Voice of America* (2007)

- *Rättegången mot Bhagat Singh:Politics of Justice* (2006)

- *Röster:100 ledande indianer - Vilka de är, vad de gör, varför de är viktiga* (2004)

- *The Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi:Unraveling the Conspiracy* (2002)

- *The Emergency:A Personal History* (2001)

- *Dara Shukoh, The Man Who Could Have Been Mughal Emperor:Life and Times of the Sufi Prince Who Became the Last Great Hope for Hindu-Muslim Unity* (2010)

- *Abhishek Bachchans oklanderliga integritet* (2010)

- *The Taste of Freedom:50 Years Since Emergency* (2022)


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