Arts >> Kultur Nöje >  >> Böcker >> Författare

Vad har författaren Nemmsaiu Amen-Sebek skrivit?


* Hela cupen (2012)

* The House on Sycamore Circle (2013)

* Our Lady of Blessed Purgatory (2014)

* Väntrummet (2016)

* The Silence of Morning (2018)

* The Song of the Cricket (2021)


*Varifrån kommer du? (2012)

* The House of the Water Spirit (2013)

* The Book of the Dead (2015)

* The Book of the Living (2017)

* The Book of the Ancestors (2019)


* The Secret Life of Saints (2014)

* Morgonens döttrar (2016)

* Kvällens söner (2018)

* Nattens barn (2020)


* Den första skörden (2013)

* Den heliga lågan (2015)

* The Circle of Life (2017)

* The Call of the Ancestors (2019)


* The Path of Maat:A Guide to Ancient Egyptian Wisdom and Spirituality (2015)

* The Egyptian Book of the Dead:A Guide to the Afterlife (2017)

* The Egyptian Book of the Living:A Guide to Life in Ancient Egypt (2019)


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