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Vad har författaren Fu-Long Lien skrivit?


- *En översikt av matematisk biologi* (2010)

- *The Unbroken Thread:Upptäck visdomen hos traditionella healers runt om i världen* (med Jeffrey Yuen, 2002; omtryckt 2008)

- *The Power of Classical Chinese Wisdom:7 nycklar till effektivt ledarskap och ledning under 2000-talet* (med Derek Chen och David Chen, 2009)

- *The Buddha is Here and Now* (med Jeffrey Yuen, 2014)


- "Chinese Mathematics:A Concise History," Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 38 (4) (2001):303-315

- "The Chinese Roots of Modern Mathematics," Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 50 (1) (2003):12-21

- "The Legacy of Classical Chinese Mathematics:Past and Present," Mathematical Intelligencer, 26 (1) (2004):24-33

- "The Chinese Way of Mathematics," Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 52 (11) (2005):1338-1344

- "Math and China," Natural History, 117 (1) (2008):58-65

- "The Chinese Mathematical Tradition," Scientific American, 300 (5) (2009):86-93

- "Algebras kinesiska rötter," Historia Mathematica, 41 (2) (2014):140-180

- "The Role of Mathematics in Traditional Chinese Medicine," Asian Medicine, 11 (2) (2015):103-112

- "Classical Chinese Mathematics and its Applications," Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Mathematics Education, 11 (1) (2017):1-16


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