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Vad har författaren Gerard van der Hoek skrivit?


- Philosophy of Liberation:A Theory of Non-Exploitation (2016)

- Social Justice:A Philosophical Introduction (2018)

- Exploitation:A Philosophical Theory (2020)

- Idén om en demokratisk kommunism:en kritik av marxismen-leninismen av Gramsci, Althusser och Laclau (2022)


- "Exploitation and Coercion:A Reply to John Roemer" (2015)

- "Exploitation of Animals" (2016)

- "The Nature of Exploitation" (2017)

- "Why Exploitation is Wrong" (2018)

- "Idén om en demokratisk kommunism:en kritik av marxismen-leninismen hos Gramsci, Althusser och Laclau" (2022)

Kapitel i böcker

- "Exploitation and Coercion" i The Routledge Companion to Exploitation (2018)

- "The Exploitation of Animals" i Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics (2018)

- "The Nature of Exploitation" i The Cambridge Companion to Exploitation (2019)

- "Why Exploitation is Wrong" i The Blackwell Handbook of Exploitation (2020)

- "The Idea of ​​a Democratic Communism:A Critique of the Marxism-Leninism of Gramsci, Althusser and Laclau" i The Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism (2022)


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