- *I ett större livs solljus* (1989)
- *Shadow Child:A Holocaust Fable* (1990)
- *The Master's Tale:A Love Story* (2000)
- *One Little Room:A Christmas Tale* (2005)
- *The Long Tomorrow* (2009)
- *The Lost Girls:Three Sisters, Two Wars, and the Holocaust* (2021)
- *To Save the Children:The Story of the U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children, 1940-1949* (1992)
- *Konsten att lära barn:En guide för hem och skola* (1993)
- *Vår hemplats* (1995)
- *Berättelsen om judarna:Från Abrahams tid till i dag* (1996)
- *A Time to Heal:Conversations with Young Holocaust Survivors* (1997)
- *Förintelsens barn* (1998)
- *From Then Till Now:A Personal Journey* (2001)
- *The Life of Irena Sendler:Rescuing Children from the Warszawa Ghetto* (2003)
- *To Save a People:The Story of Jewish Rescue in the Holocaust* (2005)
- *The Book of Memory* (2007)
- *Väggarna ramlade ner:Östeuropeisk kommunisms kollaps* (2011)
- *The Forgotten Story:The True Role of Poland in World War II* (2014)
- *How to Raise a Moral Child:Lessons from World History on Parenting Virtuous Children* (2016)
- *The Unreasonable Grace of Love:Faith, Hope, and the Pursuit of Happiness* (2019)
- *Mitt Amerika* (2012)