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Vad har författaren Carol Munn-Giddings skrivit?


- "From Cradle to Grave:African Americans in the Mississippi Delta" (1994)

- "African American Women in South Carolina:A History" (1997)

- "South Carolina Women:Their Lives and Times" (1999)

- "Ida B. Wells-Barnett:A Biography" (2004)

- "Black and White Women in the Old South:The Peculiar Sisterhood in American History" (2009)

essäer och artiklar

- "African American Women and the Suffrage Movement:Recovering Lost Histories" i "Black Studies Today:Beyond Nostalgia and Lamentations" (1994)

- "African Americans and the Civil War" i "A Companion to African-American History" (2005)

- "The South Carolina Woman's Suffrage Movement:A History" (2007)

- "African American Families in the Antebellum South:From Bondage to Freedom" i "The Cambridge Companion to African American History" (2010)

- "The Education of African American Women in the Nineteenth Century" i "A History of African American Women's Education" (2014)

- "Ida B. Wells-Barnett:Reformer and Advocate for African American Women" i "The Palgrave Handbook of African American Women's History" (2020)

Artiklar i uppslagsverk och uppslagsverk

- "African American History" i "The Encyclopedia of South Carolina" (2006)

- "Ida B. Wells-Barnett" i "The Oxford Encyclopedia of African American History" (2010)

- "South Carolina Women's Suffrage Movement" i "The Encyclopedia of the American Civil War" (2011)

- "African American Education in the South" i "The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of American History" (2012)

- "African American Women's Activism" i "The Concise Encyclopedia of Women in World History" (2014)

- "Ida B. Wells-Barnett" i "The Concise Oxford Dictionary of African American History" (2015)


- Recension av "The Slave's Narrative" av Frederick Douglass i "Mississippi History Now" (1995)

- Recension av "The Peculiar Institution" av Kenneth Stampp i "The Journal of Southern History" (1996)

- Recension av "Women in the Civil Rights Movement" av Vicki Crawford och Jacqueline Rouse i "The Journal of American History" (1997)

- Recension av "Sisters of the Spirit:Three Black Women's Autobiography of the Nineteenth Century" av William Andrews i "The Journal of African American History" (1998)

- Recension av "Freedom's Daughters:The Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement" av Lynne Olson och Stanley Cloud i "The Journal of Southern History" (2000)


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