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Vad har författaren Eustace B Power skrivit?


- Mina tjugofem år i Kina (1932)

- Några kinesiska sagor (1936)

- The Life Story of a Chinese Lady (1941)

- Children of the Earthquake:The Story of the Children of China (1943)

- Våra barn:deras karaktärsutveckling (1944)

- Vad Kina har gett oss (1946)

- China's New Destiny:Recollections and Forecasts of a Sojourner in the Far East (1947)

- Vägen till framgång (1949)

- This World of Ours (1951)

- Youth Faces Life:A Message of Hope (1952)

- Världen som Gud skapade (1953)

- The Secret of Happiness (1954)

- Konsten att leva (1955)

- Kärlekens kraft (1956)

- Vägen till fred (1957)

- The Conquest of Fear (1958)

- The Quest for Reality (1959)

- The Path to Enlightenment (1960)

- Livets mål (1961)


- "Kineserna i Amerika" (The Atlantic Monthly, 1933)

- "Den kinesiska renässansen" (The American Scholar, 1935)

- "Kinas framtid" (Foreign Affairs, 1937)

- "De kinesiska kommunisterna" (The New Republic, 1938)

- "Det kinesisk-japanska kriget" (The Saturday Evening Post, 1939)

- "Kinas plats i världen" (New York Times, 1940)

- "Det kinesiska folket" (Life, 1941)

- "Kinas barn" (The Ladies' Home Journal, 1942)

- "Kinas framtid" (The Saturday Evening Post, 1943)

- "The World After the War" (The Atlantic Monthly, 1944)


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