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- "The History of the Church of Scotland:From the Religion of Religion in Scotland to the Close of the Sexteenth Century" (1890)
- "Dikter:Nordens sånger och texter" (1859)
- "Sir Walter Scotts poetiska verk, i sex volymer" (1859-1860)
- "Föreläsningar om Jonas bok:Levererade i Edinburgh 1849" (1861)
- "The Sacred Poems and Hymns of William Cowper" (1853)
- "The Works of Robert Fergusson, with Life, &c." (1851)
- "The Life and Works of Robert Burns, with Prefatory Essay and Annotations by Rudolf W. Galloway" (1864)
- "Diskurser och tjänster levererade i USA av R. W. Galloway" (1868)