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Vad skrev författaren Riaan Labuschagne?


- 1999:_The Blind Snake_ [The Blind Snake] (historisk roman)

- 2000:_The Black Mirror_ [The Black Mirror] (roman)

- 2001:_Die Zikade_ [Cikadan] (deckarroman)

- 2003:_Die Totensammler_ [The Body Collectors] (deckarroman)

- 2004:_Glasfåglarna_ (deckarroman)

- 2006:_Das Tribunal_ [The Tribunal] (deckarroman)

- 2008:_The Crimson Dragonflies_ (deckarroman)

- 2010:_The Whispering Shadows_ (thriller)

- 2011:_Der Hexenjäger_ [Häxjägaren] (thriller)

- 2013:_The Legacy of Shadows_ (thriller)

- 2014:_The Seed of Evil_ (thriller)

- 2016:_The Blood Feud_ (thriller)

- 2017:_The Fire of Wrath_ (thriller)

- 2019:_Jägarens natt_ (thriller)


- 1999:_Die Dame im Spiegel_ [The Lady in the Mirror] (publicerad i antologin _Spuren der Nacht_ [Nattens spår])

- 2001:The Voice of Death (publicerad i antologin The Best Horror Stories)

- 2002:_Der Totentanz_ [Dödsdansen] (publicerad i antologin _Tödliche Träume_ [Dödliga drömmar])

- 2004:_The Haunted House_ (publicerad i antologin _Gruselkabinett_ [Cabinet of Curiosities])

- 2006:_Mumiens förbannelse_ (publicerad i antologin _Mumienfluch_ [Mumiens förbannelse])

- 2008:_The Vampire's Revenge_ (publicerad i antologin _Vampire kisses_ [Vampire Kisses])

- 2010:The White Lady (publicerad i antologin Ghost Stories)

- 2012:The Black Man (publicerad i antologin Horror Stories)

- 2014:_Die Demons of Dresden_ [The Demons of Dresden] (publicerad i antologin _Dresdner Schauer Stories_ [Dresden Ghost Stories])

- 2016:_The Legend of Sleepy Hollow_ [The Legend of Sleepy Hollow] (publicerad i antologin _American Horror Stories_ [American Horror Stories])

- 2018:_The Curse of the Werewolf_ (publicerad i antologin _Werewolf Stories_ [Werewolf Stories])


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